Ode to Things

Karlie Cronin
2 min readSep 21, 2020

Critical Making Assignment 3

For my project I decided to create a website that showcased some of my favorite photos of my dogs from the past couple months. Its a very basic site, but I didn’t have the easiet time making it. I got the live server running pretty easily. However, I was still confused by the syntax of everything but I found https://www.w3schools.com to be extremely helpful and started getting the hang of it by the end. I was able to link to my portfolio, add photos and videos, and edit the size, color, and font styles of the text into different classifications and center certain things on the page. I was initially struggling about how to get my changes to appear on GitHub, but after watching RJ’s video, it seemed to have worked. The only thing I could not get to work how I wanted was adding margins to the site, as only some parts seem to be effected and others didnt move over, so I decided to leave them out. I also could not figure out how to get a border around all six images instead of just each image individually.

This was all pretty new to me as I have never really coded before, I always use drag and drop builders or templates and plugins, when developing sites. I found it frustrating to have to type so much out, to do such simple things. This site would have taken me less than 5 minutes to put together in a drag and drop builder opposed to actually coding it, so it was definitely a learning experience.

When explaing what I did to someone who doesn’t know anything, I would probably describe my project as setting up the basic page framework from scratch for a website, to be filled in with content.

Below are the links to my repository:

Git Hub Code link: https://github.com/kjcronin14/cm-assignment-3.git

